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                Company Introduction

                Company Introduction

                Guangdong Linton Heavy Industry Co.,ltd is the leading largest high-end comprehensive mechanical manufacturing enterprise in China, covering area at 45,000 square meters, which is in Nansha free trade zone, only 3km from Nansha port, it is very convenient both for water and land transportation.  

                Linton Heavy Industry is specializing in mechanical equipment design and service for industry of petroleum chemical, foodstuff , beverage, grain and oil, pharmacy, environmental protection , printing and dyeing, electricity, etc. The main material is stainless steel equipment, and making carbon steel equipment, alloy steel equipment and special material equipment.

                Linton Heavy Industry: Manufacturing capacity is No. 1 in China, it’s up to 10,000 tons production output annually. Linton has a high quality of professional staff team: more than 220 employees, in which 45 senior technical-engineering employees, 22 physic-chemical, inspection and and nondestructive testing staffs. All kinds processing equipment of mechanical cutting, coiling block, assembling, welding is about 180 sets, and with mature welding technology of all kinds of carbon steel, stainless steel and duplex steel, titanium and titanium alloy, Monel, hastelloy.

                Linton Heavy Industry: Holding the grade 3 (A1, A2) pressure vessel design license, manufacturing and maintenance license which is issued by Special equipment safety supervision of AQSIQ (National Bureau of Quality Inspection) , and (GC2) Pressure piping installation license, ASME certificate (U and NB Stamp) which is issued by ASME (American Institute of Mechanical Engineers), And with CCS shipbuilding welding certificate which is issued by CCS(China classification society), and Linton one through the ISO9001:2008 QMSC(quality management system certification).

                Linton Heavy Industry: Linton focus on high-end mechanical manufacturing. At the same time carrying out all-round comprehensive industrial supporting services , which including the complete sets equipment of petrochemical, foodstuff, beer, beverage, grain and oil, pharmacy, environmental protection, electric power, printing and dyeing, papermaking, etc. Providing one-stop services of Engineering Procurement Construction, installation, maintenance, and technical consulting, etc.

                Linton Heavy Industry: Strong hardware strength, advanced management, excellent enterprise culture laid a solid foundation for Linton’s rapid development. Acting on innovation and constantly strive for excellence in quality. With high-quality products and best service, we welcome the customers and partners all over the world.